With the OLMUN conference of 2021 laying in the past, a new year of the OLMUN is coming up. Consequently, a new Secretariat has been elected to take over the responsibility of organizing the OLMUN 2022. The Inner Circle had to say goodbye to last year’s Secretary General Anne zur Horst, her deputy Henrik Ebel, President of the General Assembly Tristan Leoluca Farinella, his deputy Caroline Renz and Treasurer Joanna Grave.
The new secretariat emerges from noticeable students, who have already been involved in past conferences. Additionally, each member has shown that they have the needed experience to assume the main leadership for the organization of the conference and the Inner Circle.

The first member of the new secretariat is Secretary General Jelto Heykants. He was a part of the Executive and Administrative Officer Team for the past conference and therefore has great knowledge and experience of a hybrid version of the OLMUN. An important point for him is to form tighter connections with the participating schools from Oldenburg and to inspire young students to participate as Delegates as well as in the Inner Circle. Furthermore, he hopes to regain the typical OLMUN spirit and feeling, which just hasn’t been the same in last year’s online version.

At his side is Deputy Secretary Annelie Kostka. For the OLMUN 2021 she took over the task of coordinating the staff and organizing the procedures within the committees both online as well as in-person. As the former Chief of Staff, she will now focus on improving the procedures to make the upcoming conference run even smoother.

President of the General Assembly of the OLMUN 2022 will be Per Pagnia, who has several years of experience as a Chair at the OLMUN. In contrast to the years before, he chaired an online committee in the past conference.

As his Deputy the Inner Circle has elected Kian Assent. He chaired an in-person committee at the OLMUN 2021.

The last member of the team is Treasurer Claas Kämpf. As the former logistical coordinator of the OLMUN 2021, he was able to collect knowledge about the organization and overview of the tasks in the background of the conference. Therefore, he will be of great assistance for both the Secretary General and his Deputy. All in all, the team has great experience in every possible field of the OLMUN.
The entire Secretariat will focus on staying in contact with the many schools taking part from abroad. As of now, the preliminary plan for the next OLMUN will be to offer the known in person conference just like before the COVID-19 pandemic. Additionally, an online committee will possibly be part of the conference to offer students from all over the world the chance to participate without having to come to Oldenburg. But as already known from last year, all further plans must be according to the COVID-19 developments.
Lastly, the secretariat wants to warmly welcome all new students joining the Inner Circle this year and wants to encourage students who want to help organize the conference to join the Inner Circle and get to know the OLMUN.