With the OLMUNs 2021 Slogan “Progress & Perspective United Efforts for a Brighter Future” the conference stands for the common goal that we, as the citizens of the world, must work together, unite our efforts to take on issues and try to provide solutions in order to secure the existence of our planet and our life on it. Over many centauries’ humans have developed and improved their techniques and ways of living and we still need to continue the progress to provide ourselves a livable future. Although the development of technology and science may have brought many advantages for certain parts of the society, we have also damaged the nature of our planet and have cause severe destruction. People won’t want to give up a lifestyle they profit from, but nonetheless we need to seek communication with different perspectives and must learn to solve problems together to provide ourselves with a perspective into the future. Therefore, each individual must take their part in the process. While we may achieve small things on our own, we can only have a great impact on our world when we unite our efforts and work together for a brighter future.
The committees of the OLMUN 2021 reflect the slogan. Each committee is focused on specific issues, but all are trying to do their part to contribute to resolving problems. The 2021 United Nations Environment Programme Governing Council (UNEP GC), led by Kian Assent and Lisbeth Ritterhoff, will be discussing the maritime pollution of our oceans and world sees. The delegates will be “[e]valuating Counter-Measures against Maritime Pollution through Waste with Special Regards to COVID-19-Pandemic Induced Waste”. Also inspired by the topic of climate change is the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC), which will face the task of “[e]nhancing Cities and Communities in Terms of Sustainability”. Its Chairs will be Anya Desphande and Ivan-Karlo Gudelj. Though rather specified on a smaller region, the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) will “[set] Guidelines for Sustainable Urbanization”. Therefore, its effects are far reaching and influence many other countries. The search for guidelines will be supervised by Rasmus Conrad and Younes El Guernaoui.
Furthermore, the human rights of each person have always been an important issue. Due to the migration experienced in the past years, the matter of securing the rights of every human being has grown to more importance. Considering that, the Special Conference (SpC) will elaborate on how to “[ensure] a Life Worth Living through Protecting the Human Rights of Stateless People”. Herdem Yaz Bölukbasi and Johannes Tromm will be guiding the debate in the Special Conference. The Human Rights Council (HRC) will cover the topic of “Counteracting the Violation of Human Rights by Law Enforcement Agencies” and will be chaired by Per Pagnia and Tom Siebels.
In contrast to the past OLMUN conferences there won’t be a 1st and 3rd General Assembly, simply because each assembly fits over 150 delegates, which wouldn’t be possible to host in-person and would be rather difficult to chair via an online conference. In addition to the mentioned committees the OLMUN 2021 includes new committees, one of which is for the first time the Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space (COPUOS). The issue about the world’s use of space has recently attracted more attention. Resulting from the attention, Keara Hartschuh and Julie Hunze will lead the committee’s discussion about “Setting Regulatory Provisions for Ensuring Safe Access into, Operation in and Return from Outer Space to Earth.” Being introduced the second year in a row to the OLMUN committees is the United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women (UN WOMEN). Chaired by Marlene Möller and Pia Niederhoff, the committee will cover the topic of “Promoting the Importance of Self-Determination of Women.”
The 2021 Security Council (SC) will be led by Dennis Kirsch and Ruqaya Zaki and will discuss “Stabilizing the Sahel Region – a Fight against Terrorism and Climate Change.”
To support new delegates through their very different first year of OLMUN, the OLMUN hosted two preparation meetings beforehand so delegates could get familiar with their tasks and the proceedings at the OLMUN especially during an online conference. For the students participating from Oldenburg the OLMUN is offering two in-person committees, which have been chosen to be the UNEP GC and the ASEAN. All other delegates will take part in the online committees and will therefore have the possibility to debate with other delegates from many different countries.